The sooner we begin to take care of ourselves on a personal health level the better! Many people have
resolved to take better care of themselves but self-care really needs to be a
year-round priority. Pursuing a positive lifestyle has
become increasingly
popular. From a very young age people begin to overwork. This often results
in stress and illness. We forget to take care of ourselves and we risk
down our bodies and spirits. Our bodies are marvelous creations and are
capable of self-repair if we allow them time to heal. Giving your body time to relax and to recover is what
Debbie's Serenity Room is all about. Our goal is to create a "Haven of Peace" in Smiths Falls. We specialize in a variety and
modern traditianal and modern relaxation therapies.
Reiki healing - also known as the "laying on of the hands". It is simple,
natural and safe method of
spiritual healing and self improvement that everyone can use.
Reflexology - is a science which deals with the principle that there are reflex areas in the feet
and hands which correponds to all of the glands, organs and parts in the body. Stimulating these
reflexes properly can help many health problems in a natural way as a type of preventative maintenance.
Chakra Balance - Chakras are measurable patterns of electromagnetic activity that draws in energy
from the Universe and distribute it to the body and throught the bloodstream and nervous system of
optimum health and well-being.
Chair Massage - Chair massage counters the circulatory problems inherent with office work. Sitting
in a massage chair opens up the back-muscles, relieves strain on the neck and provides a gentle respite
for eyes glued to a computer monitor.
Indian Head Massage - is espcially good for relieving stress, tension, fatigue, insomnia, headaches,
migraines anf sinusitis.